
Showing posts with the label healthy food options

No Tobacco Day: Quit Smoking With These Healthy Food Options

 Some habits can cause significant problems, not only for individuals but also for their families. Chewing tobacco, drinking alcohol, and smoking are among the injurious habits that can lead to chronic diseases. Every year, the world observes No Tobacco Day on May 31. This day is dedicated to spreading awareness about the harm caused by chewing tobacco and encouraging people to quit smoking and replace these harmful habits with healthy ones. Tobacco is highly injurious to health, containing between 5,000 and 7,000 chemicals, of which 50–60 are carcinogens that can cause cancer. Tobacco consumption also leads to chronic diseases like high blood pressure, memory loss, and even heart stroke. We are here with healthy food options you should opt for to help you quit smoking. 7 Healthy Food Options to Quit Smoking 1) Fruits and Vegetables When you smoke, your body reduces the absorption of vitamin D and calcium, while the need for vitamin C increases. Fresh fruits and vegetables, ri...