Karnataka Government Introduces Free Bus Rides for Women

 Karnataka’s new Congress government has announced a plan to offer free bus rides for women. Starting from June 11, the scheme will benefit women residing in Karnataka, including female students and those who speak languages other than English. Initially, for the first three months, beneficiaries will need to provide a government-issued photo ID and proof of address. During this period, bus drivers will issue tickets without any fare.

After the initial three months, individuals in need of assistance will be required to apply for Shakti smartcards through the government’s Seva Sindh website. These smartcards, named after the program, will serve as identification for availing the free travel benefits. It is estimated that around 40 million women in Karnataka commute by government buses each day, and the introduction of this free travel plan is expected to increase that number by 10%. The annual cost to the government for implementing this plan is projected to be approximately Rs 4,700 crore.

V. Anbukumar, the head of the Karnataka State Road Transport Corporation (KSRTC), expressed confidence that once implemented, the plan would lead to improved service quality. He assured that the government would provide necessary funding to support daily operations, stating that the purchase of diesel fuel for the buses would not be affected. Anbukumar also mentioned that the government regularly provides payments to the Road Transport Corporations (RTCs) every three months, alleviating concerns about financial stability. He emphasized that the requirement to apply for Shakti smartcards online would not pose a challenge for rural women, highlighting the importance of not underestimating their capabilities.


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